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Looking to surprise a loved one with a reunion?

Hoda and Jenna want to help brighten your holiday season by reuniting friends or family members.
Women greeting one another
Let us know all about your relationship, how long it’s been since you’ve seen each other and why a surprise reunion would brighten your holiday season in the form below.Lucy Lambriex / Getty Images

As we are embarking on the holiday season, many us tend to ponder the following topics: What we are thankful for? What does the rest of 2023 look like?

But there is one that stands out above the rest. What would happen if we were able to reunite with that one person that holds a special place in our heart?

If this is you, Hoda and Jenna want to help!

Let us know all about your relationship, how long it’s been since you’ve seen each other and why a surprise reunion would brighten your holiday season in the form below.